Its been a little while since my last post, and thought you might like to see some of the creations I have made since the last post. Surprisingly enough its been taken up by more Urchins, the picture shows 3 of the 6 I have done in the last week or so, the little guy in the background is Pedro who is wearing a poncho, he is residing in the UK now. The little girl in the lavender colour dress is Violet Elizabeth and sat next to her is Sammy Sterling both have new homes overseas. I have also been making Cheeky Monkeys, Luky Blak Kats and Pinky Winkies (Winking Pigs), its good to play around with ideas, the Kats I have made for a number of years but decided to add to them a Cheeky Monkey (Alice is in the picture) and winking pigs, they are so funny!

Well what can I say about this picture LOL! this is Clawdius a really grumpy looking wacky kat. I have had a great time creating his face. I have used my own hand dyed wool that I have needle felted his rather large nose from and also made him eyelids from the same wool. It was a real change to make a cat in faux fur than my usual hand dyed mohair, Clawdius is made from a beautiful immitation Ocelot fur. This guy looks as if he is not a moggy to be messed with :-) The next one I do using faux fur, I am really going to try hard to get a cute look instead of my usual grumpy look.
It looks as if we have a good start to the Easter weekend, the sky is blue and the sun is shining and plenty of daffodils to look at, what a lovely change from grey skies and snow. I wish you a Happy Easter and try not to eat too much chocolate :-)